For the past few weeks, I've been jotting haiku and tanka in my notebook before bed. These are drafts that I might go back to someday and work on a bit more. Mostly, I'm just trying to take notice of what is happening in my life right now. Writing helps me do that.
the stream along our walking path
the lake we love to visit
we walk hand-in-hand
on a path we know so well
yet always seems new
walking the shoreline
we navigate ebbs and flows—
our life together
a bench by the lake
dedicated to someone
I have never met
sitting in a place she loved—
I think we would have been friends
this uncertain spring
we begin to discover
the unfamiliar
in a life we once believed
would always be familiar
Kulp Trout
A big thank you to Elizabeth Steinglass for hosting today's Poetry Friday.