Linda Kulp Trout

Friday, April 11, 2014

2014 Kidlitosphere Progressive Poem, Day 11

Happy Poetry Month! 

I've been checking out the poetry projects on the kidlit blogs this month.  I love having an entire month to celebrate poetry.  Every year, I dream of writing a daily post to celebrate National Poetry Month, but I quickly talk myself out of it because I worry that I won't be able to  fulfill my commitment. Well, this year I'm determined to devote more time to writing so I bought a little notebook and labeled it National Poetry Month. Although I'm not posting them, I'm scribbling something resembling a poem every night before I go to bed.  I use the word resembling because some nights after a long day at school (and a long commute home) that's about all I can manage! Yep, it's messy, but  I'm following the advice of real writers who tell us to just get something down. I've already seen some connections. Who knows, I might even find a few decent ideas for poems hiding in there!

Still, I really want to take part in the celebration so I'm extremely grateful to Irene Latham of Live Your Poem for organizing the progressive poem for folks like me who just want to dip a toe into the waters of National Poetry Month.  Like many others, this is my third year to participate.

It's fun to follow the poem's progress each day and wonder where it might go next.   Part of the excitement is that it's impossible to plan a line until the poet who precedes you writes his/her line. Yesterday, the talented Tabatha Yeats  added a whole new twist to the poem.  I love how she opened to door to some interesting possibilities. As  I read the poem again and again, it felt very dreamlike so that gave me an idea for my line.   I hope it works! 

Sitting on a rock, airing out my feelings to the universe
Acting like a peacock, only making matters that much worse;
Should I trumpet like an elephant emoting to the moon,
Or just ignore the warnings written in the rune?
Those stars can’t seal my future; it’s not inscribed in stone.
The possibilities are endless! Who could have known?
Gathering courage, spiral like an eagle after prey
Then gird my wings for whirlwind gales in realms far, far away.
But, hold it!  Let's get practical! What's needed before I go?
Time to be tactical— I'll ask my friends what I should stow.
And in one breath, a honeyed word whispered low—   dreams

Okay, Mary Lee, I've taken us to dreamland, I can't wait to see your creative imagination take us next!

Want more poetry?  Michelle at Today's Little Ditty has this week's Poetry Friday roundup!